I am currently offering a free 20 minute consultation, because it is important for you to choose a therapist you feel comfortable with. The following statements can give you an idea of what qualities in a therapist might be important for you to consider:
- I feel comfortable with the therapist.
- The therapist seems comfortable with me.
- The things the therapist says make sense to me.
- The therapist is casual and informal, rather than formal.
- The therapist acts like my consultant rather than than telling me what I should do.
- The therapist does not treat me like I am sick or defective.
- The therapist is willing to tell me how she feels about me.
- The therapist answers direct questions rather than asking what I think.
- The therapist does not pretend to know things she does not know.
- The therapist admits when she is wrong.
- The therapist encourages the feeling I am as good as she is.
- The therapist has a good sense of humor.
- In general, my contacts with the therapist add to my feeling of self-esteem.